Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Final workshop for Pembroke Primary School at South Kids

After 2 weeks of workshopping with Walka artists/designers Ricardo and Claudia, the young designers collaborated together with fellow students and the designers to come up with an exciting new collection.  Ricardo and Claudia had a great time, and will take home to Chile with them a wealth of experiences .  They plan to work with our South Kids school in Chiloe, and will share with them some images of the creative pieces that our  Australian South Kids made. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thornbury Primary School develop a collection with the Walka Team

Images from the final collection  of the  basketball  theme, another team group uses modern technology to express their contemporary collection.  The day culminated in a cat walk fashion parade with lots of fun enjoyed by all.